Thursday, October 12, 2006

Cold Feet

I've really been missing Spain these past two weeks. I don't know why. As I keep going through all of my footage I'm realizing how beautiful it was there and how much I wish I had been happier while I was living there.

This is some (very shaky) footage of a beach in Asturgas. It was incredibly cold, but incredibly beautiful at the same time.


Blogger Anthony said...

Shaky indeed. But that's cool. You notice it. And I'm sure you'll work on it.
The writing in the sand was cool.
Did I see you say you missed Spain. Hmmm. Glad you can look back and remember some cool things and that you have a bit of that time of your life recorded. Vlogging is neat, we are recording our histories.

12:48 AM  
Blogger LA STULTA VIRO: said...

Thank you for your visit and your comment in my blog. I'm sure we'll find a middle point between your good spanish and my bad english. I went to the beach two weeks ago here in Galveston and I didn't know what to shoot... but your video post is awesome, I love it, pretty good shots, no music, just the sound of the sea... beautiful. And I think the writing in the sand was a cool idea.

4:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Rachel! Awesome vlog! I always wondered what beaches on the Atlantic side of the US look like! Love the ending to where you put your web address in the sand. Very creative!

Thanks for taking my survey too! I really appreciate it! I need all the results I can get!

3:55 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

this is my first visit and I'm very lucky, your video are interesting and your way of filming it's "real"

7:04 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

Rachael, the ending with the waves washing your name away was fantastic!
I never realized that your name is spelled so similar to mine.

This reminded me of Cape Town, because there are mountains behind the beach and the water is FREEZING! In Cape Town, the sand is white.

11:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg, the writing was the coolest idea... and a really nice vidpost, too.

10:57 PM  
Blogger taxiplasm said...

at least the beaches are sandy, the beaches I've been to on that side of the atlantic were rocky as hell and with the cold water, hurt like hell.


8:09 PM  

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