Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Previous Posts
- The Nata village vlogJosh Leo's WebpageMichael Ver...
- vlogging in the rain is fun
- "The supreme happiness of life is the conviction t...
- "Men may believe what they cannot prove. They may...
- "Whether or not you claim to be interested in it, ...
- "I simply long to love someone for who they are; n...
- Me: are you gambaru-ing?Him: un, gambatteiru yoMe:...
- Howling At The Moon: A Play Based On "Where The Wi...
- "Things just happen in the right way, at the right...
- "My own humanity was awakened, rising up to greet ...
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so you are in Spain now?? Sweet!!!
Thanks a lot for your concern and comments about my mom's death.
I am doing a video right now about living at home with the parents.. and I took the videos, just before she passed away.
Thanks again,
it's wonderful that media will give you lasting memories of her.
Were you able to watch this video by clicking on the picture? I seem to be having problems with my browser...
No it doesn't work.
Evan (http://e-vlog.blogspot.com)
It isn't playing for me either. Go and check your HTML in the post.
In the mean while, others can view the file here:
The blip source
Why thank you Michael, that was very kind of you. :)
I don't know what's wrong with my video and I haven't had the time to figure out why I can't get the link to work. I'll figure it out... eventually.
Right now I have a ridiculous amount of "Spain" footage to make sense of. There is so much that I want to post. I don't know when I'll find the time. Wish me luck with that!
I want to go to spain now :)
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