Sunday, June 04, 2006
Previous Posts
- "The supreme happiness of life is the conviction t...
- "Men may believe what they cannot prove. They may...
- "Whether or not you claim to be interested in it, ...
- "I simply long to love someone for who they are; n...
- Me: are you gambaru-ing?Him: un, gambatteiru yoMe:...
- Howling At The Moon: A Play Based On "Where The Wi...
- "Things just happen in the right way, at the right...
- "My own humanity was awakened, rising up to greet ...
- Bean Town, MA
- "Not as though I had already attained, either were...
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hey it's nice to know that you were able to do that "vlogging thing" while driving. good job!
Haha, that was great. Maybe you could put the camera up on the dash board.
Well done in anycase.
- Dave
::all smiles::
Hey guys, thanks for the comments! I'm still learning and experimenting with all of this. Have any of you ventured into the "velcroing-the-cam to-the-dashboard" territory?
That was pretty funny. I have recorded myself while driving a few times though I don't know that I have posted any of those videos.
I have a small camera so that probably helps. I am able to hold the camera and steer fairly well with just one hand. Leaving my other hand free to also steer or to switch the camera to for another angle. Well you'll figure something comfortable out..then again maybe recording our drive time isn't the safest thing to do.
You've grasped the concept of vlogging for absolutely no reason and I enjoyed it. I have to learn to just pick up the camera and vlog. I always look for interesting content but I have to realize that other people don't know my life so things that I find dull may interest them. Maybe you should double stick tape the camera to a level surface in your car so your arm doesn't hurt.
About my comments on your last post: I didn't mean switch to mp4 or mov for the lighting. I just meant that it embeds itsself in a browser better and mov streams exceptionally well. Mp4 you have to wait for the download to watch but it is embeded in the browser so that's still a plus.
Evan (
Nice :-)
Btw, what did you have playing during the video??
Vloging while driving is not dangerous..
at leas that is what I think.
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